Google stopped caring about tablets long before the Pixel Slate

Google stopped caring about tablets long before the Pixel Slate 1

Google has been put on record saying it’s canceling the production and sale of self-branded tablets. As it turns out, this isn’t exactly a new decision, but Google being up-front about it all is; a Google spokesperson told Computer World it’s done in no uncertain terms. And Rick Osterloh, the head of Google’s hardware department, even tweeted an admission of the leak.

Saying Google doesn’t care about tablets is an old cliché, but it’s also true.

We already knew Google had plans to scale back its internal hardware division this year and in March the first word that tablets were getting canned was spreading around. If you’ve been paying attention, it probably didn’t surprise you then and doesn’t surprise you now because Google has never really cared about tablets.

The reasons it hasn’t had a burning desire to build an amazing tablet are complex yet simple: it doesn’t need to and it can’t make any money doing it. And these reasons are tied together in a way that isn’t likely to change any time soon.

Hardware versus software

Google stopped caring about tablets long before the Pixel Slate 2

Google wasn’t born a hardware company. We have Pixel phones and Pixel Chrome products now, but those products were all originally built by outside…

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